Sunday, December 6, 2009

'Red Herring' Creamy Cashew Salad

I've hesitated to put this recipe online for a while... It's a little something I picked up from volunteering at The Red Herring- this kick ass vegan restaurant where I first learned how to cook. The Herring was always struggling to get money, so I didn't want to post any of their secrets online. However, under new management, I don't believe they have this salad anymore. So, here it goes. Eat up! (And don't forget to stop by for a meal if you're ever driving through University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana. 1 hour of volunteer work=1 free meal.)

Salad content: a bunch of kale, sliced; 1 red bell pepper, sliced; a few carrots, sliced; Creamy Cashew Dressing

Creamy Cashew Dressing:

What You'll Need:
~1/3 cup raw, unsalted cashews
balsamic vinegar
apple cider vinegar
lemon juice
diced garlic

Toss cashews into a food processor.

Eyeball the height of the cashews... Pour balsamic vinegar to about 1/3 of the height.

Splash in some apple cider vinegar and lemon juice.

Throw in some diced garlic to taste.

Add water to desired consistency.

Salt and pepper optional.

Blend until completely smooth.

*Following Herring tradition, I cannot give more precise amounts of the ingredients. We think measuring cups are for wimps.

Put the salad in a huge bowl and toss the dressing. This one usually goes over really well with non-vegan friends. Enjoy!

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